Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pre-Game was a Blessing!

Thanks to everyone who came out for our FCA Pre-Game! It is always great to see the body of Christ come together to worship and pray. I know that the head coaches in attendance (Coach Kragthorpe/Football, Coach Lolla (Men's Soccer), Coach McDonnell/Baseball, and Coach Ecarma/Men's Tennis) were truly grateful for the love, prayers, and support they were shown.

The evening was not about wins and losses on the field, but it was about the wins and losses off the field. We are truly blessed to have so many head coaches at UofL that are not only gifted in their sport, but have a heart to use their gifts for the Kingdom! We should all take time to pray for the protection and influence these men and women have on the thousands of athletes at UofL. Theses coaches are truly missionaries in their own right.

This will be an annual event, so we hope next year you will make plans to join us again!

Coach Slade sharing his testimony.

Dexter Heyman, Football, sharing his testimony.

Brittany York, Softball, sharing her testimony.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

UofL FCA PreGame



Join us for “FCA PRE-GAME” as we take time to lift up the coaches and athletes for their up-and-coming seasons. As many of us know, when Christ is moving strong in our lives the Devil will set out to destroy the good fruit. It is our heart to take some time praying for the coaches and the Godly-influence they have over their staff and players, to pray for the protection and conviction on the lives of the athletes, as well as pray for the families and fans of the programs.

This event will include worship, athlete testimonies, and a time of organized prayer. There will be eight head coaches in attendance as well as many athletes. We hope you will mark your calendars for this special event and plan to bring your family and friends.

Monday, March 9, 2009

FCA Real Time III

Tammy and I recently returned from Real Time III, a national FCA conference in Kansas City. What an amazing weekend it was! With over 940 attendees, we were reminded what a big ministry we serve. In addition to getting to share vision and ideas with staff members from around the country, we were also blessed to be spiritually refreshed by our key speaker, Chip Ingram!

Real Time was a true blessing for Tammy and I. We came back refreshed and energized to serve the Chaplain Ministry at UofL. Each day we are thankful for this opportunity and we love what we do!

Tammy and I with 3-Time Olympian Softball Player, Leah Amico

Kentuckiana FCA Staff with FCA Founder, Don McClanen

Chris and Speaker/Author, Chip Ingram

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

UofL Football Players find TRUE Purpose

For the past eight weeks, 20+ UofL Football players and Coach Kragthorpe, have come together once a week to study The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. Each week Chris would open with prayer and then simply allow the players and coach to openly discuss that week's reading. The hope of the study was for each to learn that God has an incredible plan for their life and for them to discover their purpose in Christ, but the study surpassed all hopes. In addition to each player learning to live the life God created them for, they also learned more about each other. Though these guys fight opponents together, they often don't "know" each other. Through open discussions, the players got the opportunity to learn more about each others backgrounds, struggles, and desires in life. Now when they line up on the ten yard line, they won't just be fighting alongside a teammate...they will be fighting alongside a friend they trust. At the conclusion of this study, 11 players accepted Christ as their Savior and 1 got baptized!

Here is what a few of the players had to say about the study:

"The Purpose Driven Life study has been an amazing addition in my life, and that of my teammates. It was a great way to create opportunities for team bonding. There is something special about watching the guys you play beside open themselves up and have the courage to be transparent in front of each other. The book teaches us how to live our lives with purpose so that we may fulfill God's will in it. God's promise to us is a life saving testament that the entire world should know about and believe in. Purpose Driven Life has helped plant that seed in the hearts of the Louisville football team. I am thankful I was able to be a part of it."

Scott Long, Senior Wide Receiver

"Doing the Purpose Driven Life study with our team meant a lot to me. I feel that while I grew spiritually throughout the study, the most remarkable thing about the study was the way the players around me opened up. It is very important that football players trust their fellow teammates. After this study I can truly say that I trust more of my teammates and I definitely grew closer to him. Everyone that participated in the study is very thankful that Chris took his time to do this with us and we all believe that it will pay dividends throughout the season."

Eric Wood, Senior/Captain Center

"From attending the Wed. night Bible study I can tell that my life has changed in an area that I least expected it to. Before I started the series me and the mother of my children did not see eye to eye for a while and we were not together and thinking about going our separate ways. After going every week to the Bible study and at times telling the mother of my children what I learned and working out our differences, we are stronger than ever and back together. Mr. Morgan is a positive role model to me and because of his help I am living a better and healthier life."

Mozell Axson, Senior Linebacker

"I think this study has been fantastic. I learned so much about my purpose in Christ and got to do it with my teammates. This study is not just going to have benefits off the field, but on as well."

Hunter Cantwell
Senior Quarterback